When the connection down.
Hello there again. Sorry haven't been posting stuff. Busy with assignments and exams, then presentation(this sem in uni is my 2nd sem) and then assignments again. Well life in university is hectic and no room for breathing space. What's new? *Known many new people *Rushing through your meal just to rush to class again *buying secondhand books and hogging library books for the whole sem *sleeping for four hours during the crunch time for assignment *a new mobile phone- Nokia 3120 Classic(after almost two years of search!!) *still bemoaning the lousy "terlalu mundur" internet line.. by the way, was hoping that i can see my bestie online today but the connection just went out..and it takes me redialling the connection 5 times to get a stable speed..and I missed ... just by a mere 10 minutes..sigh..but I got my 6th sense telling that she's gonna online today.. Yesterday was the F1 race in sepang..jus to say it's the most anti-climax race in town..imagine it starte...